For her second Vogue cover in three years, we find the good doctor in a white lab coat-inspired number by Ralph Lauren...on her way into surgery, one might presume.
Jill Biden—who has a doctorate in education not medicine—and famously stubborn in all things aesthetic, must have put up a helluva fight with stylists at the once-great fashion magazine. The 73-year-old First Lady—when not looking creepy in black fishnets and miniskirt pillaged from the Juveniles section of Hot Topic—aggressively clings to a style best described as arts-and-crafts: No, not the 19th century British movement but Elmer’s Glue, construction paper, Bedazzle, and yard sale scraps.
This is fitting for a woman who reminds every American of the grade school teacher they hated the most. But for July’s cover of Vogue, Jill ‘Alice Cooper’ Biden proved she can look tasteful and, indeed, does.
But something else about Dr. Jill dawned on us in recent days—and it’s far darker than her Temu shopping list. Who, exactly, is running the country? anyone paying attention over the last three years has asked, quietly or otherwise. Theories range from Valerie Jarret and Barack Obama to various Deep State actors, globalist Reptilians, or the handpicked coven of Marxist buffoons who make up the White House staff.
Often, reality hands us a more pragmatic and less sexy answer. The truth may have been shouting fake Spanish in our faces this whole time: that Dr. Jill is the one wearing the presidential pants.
It would help explain the sudden and shocking turmoil the planet has been hurled into during the very sort time since the Bidens moved in to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Like all women who crave power but persistently find it just out of reach, Jill Biden is a total chaos agent. She strikes you as one of those teachers drawn to the profession by a tortured need for control over and praise from a captive and powerless flock.
Don’t take my word for it, her own stepson Hunter called her a “vindictive moron” and “entitled cunt” in text messages.
He also told Dr. Jill in another text, “And you do know the drunkest I’ve ever been is still smarter than you could ever even comprehend and you’re a shut [sic] grammar teacher that wouldn’t survive one class in a ivy graduate program.”
For all of Hunter’s faults, you get the impression he’s probably spot-on here.
Tucker Carlson has known the Bidens for many years. He lived down the street from them in Washington, D.C. Their families were close, as he told me when I was writing a book about his life. I was surprised he had little unpleasant to say about the character of the Bidens, except for Jill. That’s where the venom came out, calling her “famously nasty and small-minded.”
Yesterday, on X, Carlson said Jill was the “driving force” behind Joe’s reelection bid, writing:
“From an unusually good source: Obama’s tweet supporting Joe Biden was disingenuous. In private, Obama is telling people Biden can’t win, and he is therefore in favor of an open convention. Obama will not say whom he supports, nor as of yesterday afternoon had he met personally with Biden to deliver the message. Relations between the Obamas and the Bidens have never been warm. At times they’ve been hostile. But recently they’ve deteriorated further, mostly due to Jill Biden. In the hours and days after the debate, she kept her husband cloistered away from anyone who might convince him to drop out. Jill Biden is the driving force behind her husband’s reelection campaign, just as she was in 2020, when other members of the family (including Biden’s sister Val) considered him too impaired to run. The next generation of potential Democratic candidates understands all this as an opportunity and they’re circling, particularly Gretchen Whitmer, who is promoting herself aggressively.”
By continuing to force her husband’s public disintegration, Dr. Jill may be careening the world into a nuclear holocaust all for the most frantic and broken of reasons: she really likes having a staff and wants that third Vogue cover.
And if she has, indeed, taken the reigns from her demented, incapacitated husband, Dr. Jill won’t be able to keep her mouth shut about it. Whenever that White House memoir comes out, there will be nuggets planted to point eagle-eyed readers to exactly who was running the show. Dr. Jill isn’t someone who will be able to resist the brag.
She may have been dropping breadcrumbs all along about her role in this administration. If Dr. Jill is sure of anything, it’s that the cameras will be there to catch her at the ailing president’s side, looming like an impish puppet master in case his brain stops working and she needs to save the day—and she has zero regard for how that makes the president look.
Then there was that glaring photo Dr. Jill posted on Twitter in 2021. She’s diving into paperwork behind a desk on Air Force One, with the caption, “Prepping for the G7.” Her husband was nowhere in frame. What was she trying to tell us?
For all we know, Dr. Jill may have refused the President’s usual dose of amphetamines prior to last week’s disastrous presidential debate—all for that saddest moment at the end, where Strong and Benevolent Jill approached the stage, cameras still rolling, to help the feeble and vacant Commander-in-Chief down three steps. She didn’t care who saw it.
It’s been me all along, she seemed to wink.
I love this article.. but I love Alice Cooper